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At-risk users

As technology continues to embed into everyday life, we are learning about groups of users who---due to life circumstances---face a higher-than-baseline risk of experiencing technology-facilitated abuse or suffering disproportionate harm from such abuse. Technology factors into their experiences in ways that can empower them or contribute to harm. Insights from research involving these "at-risk" users helps improve safety for those who can be disproportionately targeted or harmed, but also get ahead of threats before they become widespread issues. Since 2015, I've worked with many amazing collaborators to better understand the digital-safety experiences and needs of at-risk users, and to share what we've learned.


Overviews / Multiple populations


  • R. Bellini, E. Tseng, N. Warford, A. Daffalla, T. Matthews, S. Consolvo, J.P. Woelfer, P.G. Kelley, M.L. Mazurek, D. Cuomo, N. Dell, & T. Ristenpart, "SoK: Safer Digital-Safety Research Involving At-Risk Users," Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: IEEE S&P '24, San Francisco, CA, (2024). 
  • N. Warford, T. Matthews, K. Yang, O. Akgul, S. Consolvo, P.G. Kelley, N. Malkin, M.L. Mazurek, M. Sleeper, & K. Thomas, "SoK: A Framework for Unifying At-Risk User Research," Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: IEEE S&P '22, San Francisco, CA, (2022).
  • K. Thomas, D. Akhawe, M. Bailey, D. Boneh, E. Bursztein, S. Consolvo, N. Dell, Z. Durumeric, P.G. Kelley, D. Kumar, D. McCoy, S. Meiklejohn, T. Ristenpart, & G. Stringhini, "SoK: Hate, Harassment, and the Changing Landscape of Online Abuse," Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy: IEEE S&P '21, San Francisco, CA, (2021).


Youth / Gen Z


Content creators / Influencers



People involved with political campaigns



People targeted with hate & harassment (including image-based sexual abuse)


Survivors of intimate partner abuse



Women in South Asia



People experiencing financial insecurity




© 2024 by Sunny Consolvo. 

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