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Award-winning publications

A. Hassoun, I. Beacock, S. Consolvo, B. Goldberg, P.G. Kelley, & D.M. Russell, "Practicing Information Sensibility: How Gen Z Engages with Online Information," Proceedings of the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI '23, Hamburg, Germany, (2023; preprint on arXiv). [CHI Honorable Mention Award]


S. Consolvo, P.G. Kelley, T. Matthews, K. Thomas, L. Dunn, & E. Bursztein, ""Why wouldn’t someone think of democracy as a target?": Security practices & challenges of people involved with U.S. political campaigns," 30th Usenix Security Symposium: Usenix Security '21, (2021). [USENIX Security Distinguished Paper Award]


N. Sambasivan, A. Batool, N. Ahmed, T. Matthews, K. Thomas, L.S. Gaytán-Lugo, D. Nemer, E. Bursztein, E. Churchill, & S. Consolvo, ““They don’t leave us alone anywhere we go” Digital Abuse Challenges and Coping Practices Among South Asian Women,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI ’19, Glasgow, UK, (2019). [CHI Best Paper]


N. Sambasivan, G. Checkley, N. Ahmed, A. Batool, L.S. Gaytán-Lugo, D. Nemer, T. Matthews, S. Consolvo, & E. Churchill, “”Privacy is not for me, it’s for those rich women”: Performative privacy practices on mobile phones by women in South Asia,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security: SOUPS ’18, Baltimore, Maryland, (2018). [2023 SOUPS Impact Award Runner Up & IAPP SOUPS Privacy Award]


T. Matthews, K. O’Leary, A. Turner, M. Sleeper, J. Woelfer, M. Shelton, C. Manthorne, E.F. Churchill, & S. Consolvo, “Stories from survivors: Privacy & security practices when coping with intimate partner abuse,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI ’17, Denver, Colorado, (2017). [CHI Best Paper]


I. Ion, R. Reeder, & S. Consolvo, “”…no one can hack my mind”: Comparing Expert and Non-Expert Security Practices,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security: SOUPS '15, Ottawa, Canada, (2015). [2023 SOUPS Impact Award]


A.P. Felt, A. Ainslie, R.W. Reeder, S. Consolvo, S. Thyagaraja, A. Bettes, H. Harris, & J. Grimes, “Improving SSL Warnings: Comprehension and Adherence,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI ’15, Seoul, Korea (2015). [2017 O’Reilly Defender Award: The People’s Champion]


A. Woodruff, V. Pihur, S. Consolvo, L. Schmidt, L. Brandimarte, & A. Acquisti, “Would a privacy fundamentalist sell their DNA for $1000… if nothing bad happened as a result? A study of the Westin categories, behavioral intentions, and consequences,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security: SOUPS ’14, Menlo Park, California, (2014). [IAPP SOUPS Privacy Award]


A.P. Felt, R.W. Reeder, H. Almuhimedi, & S. Consolvo, “Experimenting at Scale with Google Chrome’s SSL Warning,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI ’14, Toronto, Canada, (2014). [CHI Honorable Mention]


M. Kay, E.K. Choe, J. Shepherd, B. Greenstein, N. Watson, S. Consolvo, & J.A. Kientz, “Lullaby: A capture & access system for understanding the sleep environment,” Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp ’12, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, (2012), pp. 226-34. [UbiComp Best Paper]


E.K. Choe, S. Consolvo, J. Jung, B. Harrison, S.N. Patel, & J.A. Kientz, “Investigating receptiveness to sensing and inference in the home using sensor proxies,” Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp ’12, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, (2012), pp. 61-70. [Nominated for UbiComp Best Paper]


S.A. Munson, D. Avrahami, S. Consolvo, J. Fogarty, B. Friedman, & I. Smith, “Attitudes Toward Online Availability of US Public Records,” Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Digital Government Research: dg.o '11, College Park, MD, USA, (2011), pp. 2-9. [dg.o Best Research Paper].


S. Consolvo, P. Klasnja, D.W. McDonald, D. Avrahami, J. Froehlich, L. LeGrand, R. Libby, K. Mosher, & J.A. Landay. “Flowers or a Robot Army? Encouraging Awareness & Activity with Personal, Mobile Displays,” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp ’08, Seoul, Korea, (2008), pp. 54-63. [10-Year Impact Award @ UbiComp 2018]


A. LaMarca, Y. Chawathe, S. Consolvo, J. Hightower, I.E. Smith, J. Scott, T. Sohn, J. Howard, J. Hughes, F. Potter, J. Tabert, P. Powledge, G. Borriello, & B. Schilit. “Place Lab: Device Positioning Using Radio Beacons in the Wild,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing: Pervasive ’05, Munich, Germany (2005), pp.116-33. [ACM SIGMOBILE Test-of-Time Paper Award 2016 & 10-Year Impact Award @ UbiComp 2015]

From SIGMOBILE: Place Lab was a seminal effort to achieve accurate localization of mobile devices using existing infrastructure. It showed through painstaking experiments that leveraging a combination of Wi-Fi and GSM beacons enabled positioning with 20-30 meter median accuracy and close to 100% coverage throughout a major metropolitan area. The work directly informed localization techniques that have come to be used in billions of mobile devices.


J. Hightower, S. Consolvo, A. LaMarca, & I. Smith. “Learning and Recognizing the Places We Go,” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: UbiComp ’05, Tokyo, Japan, (2005), pp.159-176. [10-Year Impact Award @ UbiComp 2015]


G. Iachello, I. Smith, S. Consolvo, M. Chen, & G.D. Abowd. “Developing Privacy Guidelines for Social Location Disclosure Applications and Services,” ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, Vol. 93: Proceedings of the Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security: SOUPS ’05, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, (2005), pp.65-76. [SOUPS Best Paper​]


S. Consolvo, I.E. Smith, T. Matthews, A. LaMarca, J. Tabert, & P. Powledge. “Location Disclosure to Social Relations: Why, When, & What People Want to Share,” Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems: CHI ’05, Portland, Oregon, (2005), pp. 81-90. [CHI Honorable Mention Award]


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